I breakdown interesting plays - schematically, technically, and from and execution standpoint - from the 2021 Michigan at Penn State football game.
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Michigan goes Poach coverage. Pass rush through immediately pic.twitter.com/IEdQUzzh8U
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Michigan probing the D to start the 2nd half to see if double twins reduces +1 box. It does not, and isn’t the answer for Michigan.
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
I give a little explanation about how and why teams use personnel/formation when seeing +1 box pic.twitter.com/fISpW8h9lz
Back to 12P pin and pull, let’s you gain back box numbers by not blocking backside. Backside needs to zone to LB better to squeeze out the run thru, but one broken tackle and a big gain pic.twitter.com/3SYHb0g0CN
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Drive levels. PSU LBs turn and run in coverage and drive goes big yardage. Almost like they did some scouting of the Defense (don’t take this as a criticism of PSU D, which is one of my favorites to watch) pic.twitter.com/ELwyfmcxI0
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Back to pin and pull from unbalanced. Again, backside caught in the wash, and you’re blocked to the safety. Punishing the defense in the run game for playing so tight to the LOS pic.twitter.com/flrPegepWu
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Great example of what I was talking on failed 4th and 2 play. PSU overloads strength but slants weakside. Michigan runs Counter OF and the RT ends his down block on the other side of the formation. Pre-snap, PSU is trying to bait you out of Strongside runs. But it’s there pic.twitter.com/OKgI4xuwpD
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Nice wheel design off Counter CF action. Forcing PSU out of their great short red zone zone coverage pic.twitter.com/kQNhnukad7
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Pop pass RPO near the goal line pic.twitter.com/89MIFvrlpO
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Michigan back their Jam run stunt (Oscar call in Sabanese). PSU goes wham, gets defense off balance and springs a nice run pic.twitter.com/XC6DXmuEwt
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
PSU bluffs the check with me and picks up the 1st down pic.twitter.com/zscPdoP7L1
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
PSU showing screen by formation and trying to get vertical over the top. UM not fooled and coverage sack pic.twitter.com/kVTCEAjJTm
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Love the formation. Don’t love the communication pic.twitter.com/7kHjQeEaG2
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
TE motion and then Counter OH back confuses the LB on where his run support is. Why you want the young LB playing will and veteran playing MIKE pic.twitter.com/HjiTj2xUwn
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
22P Down scheme. Now can zone with the Center, prevents the run thru. Get the edge and another first down pic.twitter.com/XFbY6rQvJa
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Michigan isn’t in zero by the way. That’s a mistake as i forgot about the safety over the top to the offense’s left
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 18, 2021
Vs single high, the read is the OLB. Vs 2-high it’s the safety. Michigan rotates single high and therefore LB is read on the frontside glance
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Stretch from Michigan. Big crease opens up. MIKE does a great job flowing then folding back, but this shows Michigan’s lack of stretch reps pic.twitter.com/SIPrgITnFP
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Michigan has had issues in short yardage having defenders angle inside the TE to the three man surface. So on 3rd and short they say screw it and have a 3 and 5 man surface and blow the DL off the ball pic.twitter.com/oFGQbKxlBL
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Drive levels again. I know color guy pointed to this, but Michigan really wasn’t great feeling the dig aspect of this concept. QB being sped up and some WR feel on the dig partially to blame pic.twitter.com/AB1KYJ2Q1k
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Nice drop 8 change up from PSU. Cloud Cover 3 +1. Pocket starts collapsing. Hard for Michigan’s QB to hit these downfield windows pic.twitter.com/cNfX0A1Xge
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
In my scout, PSU ran this as a swing screen and often trap blocked the end. Here, it’s a true Toss read with the shuffle step. Interesting switch, gets them the edge pic.twitter.com/QRYseX4PNi
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Really like this lead sweep into the boundary. Hard for D to win leverage and numbers pic.twitter.com/vFj9kkcoZt
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 19, 2021
Finishing up UM-PSU. Look at this glance-corner route. Yikes pic.twitter.com/pwHFEX65B9
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
2nd down sack for Michigan. OG presents hands without a punch, too easy for DT pic.twitter.com/9KJMMfSWhl
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
PSU attacked 25 a bit in run fits out of 2-high. Able to do that with all the FIB. pic.twitter.com/iXVTH3OHll
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Michigan doesn’t fit Counter correctly, FS bails them out pic.twitter.com/lARyIRvIuK
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Looks like Cover 1 cross to me, but could be wrong. Michigan busts, but the option route is PSU’s go to 3rd and medium pic.twitter.com/kUvalZYOTl
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
4th and 2. Think it’s cover 1 but if it’s Cone, something about the quad formation forced the safety to play further off. Good use of formation by PSU and nice route pic.twitter.com/sB8zyS5CmQ
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
PSU sequences their normal bubble screen with tunnel screen in red zone pic.twitter.com/BpIxUkPMFS
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Michigan changes up the bunch check near the goal line and forces an incompletion pic.twitter.com/3nhYArx70x
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
PSU back to Full House backfield they ran against OSU. This time PAP off it pic.twitter.com/mXoA1QIQEe
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Same 2PT play that MSU converted on Michigan. Three options, now screen, fade, draw pic.twitter.com/mJzAmIF1no
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Great back-to-back plays by the DE17 for PSU here pic.twitter.com/7Od036F0Ha
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Interesting chess march here. PSU tries the two high beater again, not this time pic.twitter.com/sFMYwKbLRG
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Super mesh TD pic.twitter.com/P1t8RZHiwt
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
3rd and 2, PSU goes back to same play out of same open quads formation. Michigan in same coverage, but executed much better pic.twitter.com/qQIso5mV1C
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021
Same play 4th down stop pic.twitter.com/LXHAnFCOA7
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) November 22, 2021