I breakdown interesting plays - schematically, technically, and from an execution standpoint - from the 2021 Michigan at Nebraska football game. Due to length, it has been broken into two parts.
First, some general thoughts:
Michigan Strengths:
- The run blocking continues to improve, even with the run game diversity continuing to grow. It puts a lot of pressure on defensive fronts.
- Michigan found a way to generate a few explosives in the run game, something that has been missing the few weeks before this game. They have been highly efficient, but if they can get explosives too, the ground game really takes off
- They have found a comfort zone with matchups out of empty. I expect they continue to emphasize that on passing downs
- The DL really, really showed up. Nebraska's front struggles, but Michigan really dominated the 1 on 1 blocks.
- Too many missed shot plays. You have opportunities to convert TDs and pull away, have to execute those when you get the chance. Overall, it still feels like the pass offense is overly reliant on scheming guys open.
- The WILL LB position has regularly been aggressive, and overall a surprise, but we are starting to see some teams put them in conflict and do tougher jobs. The MIKE is also having tough assignments put on him. Overall, especially in zone coverage, the communication and eye discipline needs to continue to improve
- I thought we saw some break downs in technique and confidence at times on the outside. It is still just flashing, and not a consistent issue, but something to watch for.
Nebraska Strengths:
- Frost had some really well designed plays, motions, formations, execution. He threw the kitchen sink, sequenced a bunch, and really made life hard for the Michigan LBs.
- I thought Nebraska blocked Outside Zone fairly well. Overall, I like the way their OL moves, and they've shown improvement in pass pro over the last couple of weeks.
- This DL is legit. I feel like I'm saying that about a lot of B1G teams, but I came away really impressed with the DL again after being similarly impressed vs MSU.
- I thought CB5 had a really, really nice game. His ability on an island allows Nebraska to do a lot more defensively because he can be trusted to cover his man.
- Blocking the 1st level was really hard to watch this game. Pass pro still is inconsistent, but I think the biggest issue is they don't sustain combos well, they rarely don't get movement up front, but also, they fall off blocks too easily. It forces the offense to scheme their way down field.
- Martinez is what he is at this point. He gets rattled under pressure, gets sped up, and it forces him to work outside the scheme. Now, he's pretty good at that, but when scheme is a team strength, it's not necessarily the path to sustained success.
- The safety level and LBs in coverage are a weak spot. Michigan targeted those things, and found some success in that way.
Opening play. Nice way to start off the game for your QB pic.twitter.com/VSOXMI7g83
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Insert zone with the orbit bubble option to start the ground game going pic.twitter.com/pW9sZlJT0x
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Great opening play from Nebraska. Very well scouted, both on UM tendencies (and issues this year defending slow screens) and Nebraska’s own tendencies pic.twitter.com/C8qnmb9Rkk
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Good view of the safety rotation. DL gets some wins here, LBs a little late coming down to fit pic.twitter.com/4dtIZrOciL
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Nebraska’s opening script really well sequenced. Orbit return with and insert H for the dive and Arc-crack for the pitch option pic.twitter.com/bSrIeRxNjG
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Sticking with triple option. Michigan DL dominating up front still pic.twitter.com/xWNkrJcXRy
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Nebraska ran same scheme vs Illinois Week 0. Michigan playing banjo, Neb delays release of point man and gets him open on the fade after a rub from the outside WR. Well designed scheme pic.twitter.com/mkgQMejb19
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Red zone sequencing from unbalanced TE-Wing. Run-run reads with split zone then bluff read pic.twitter.com/7m97JlRVGT
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Q Pop Out Power H (H is the wrap player rather than a backside OG). Well defended by the DL and the Ni pic.twitter.com/xszqELvR8K
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Q Crack Sweep. On film from MSU. Well defended. Poor block from the RB pic.twitter.com/TkUkRCeNpY
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Mispoke and said "Pirate" stunt, which is the opposite (two outside pinching in, interior DL looping to contain). This stunt has a few names, less ubiquitous (Cha-Cha, Over, Bang are ones I've heard)
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Out here clipping everything I guess. OL takes a poor angle for LBs falling back. But Nebraska can’t finish and it ends in a 4 yard gain pic.twitter.com/QIAXFQOvV3
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Really nice play design vs MOD to the field. 3 verts with outside hitch but a switch vert from Wing-TE pic.twitter.com/znANFNQ0XX
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Bluff read for Michigan pic.twitter.com/COKFwWUy63
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Michigan had a clear plan to attack the LBs in coverage. Good job by the LB getting his hands on the TE and preventing the clean release out of his break pic.twitter.com/xa2w37yJfB
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Empty switch release, hunting the LBs in coverage. Big time knock down by the DT pic.twitter.com/Jhqd5Db1ct
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Michigan disciplined but feel have to pull here and take your chances on the edge given how hard the DE squeezes down. These are the gray area reads that are hard though pic.twitter.com/XHFbfVVVQV
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Flag comes out because of how the CB started the play. Need to clean that up pic.twitter.com/4GrO7d55xw
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
TE in the slot with the key block here to spring this pic.twitter.com/zzYDipk4rl
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Successful gain but these are the explosive yards you leave on the field pic.twitter.com/v1RTVfPqRm
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Mostly find it interesting that Nebraska runs the same exact play as Michigan started the game with (also MOD heavy to the field). But UM doesn’t run MOD nearly as often on 3rd down I don’t think. Quick pressure doesn’t allow QB to wait for TE to clear LB level pic.twitter.com/s5ljztx0hf
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
One thing I don’t like is the footwork Michigan uses on Counter. Makes it hard for RB to read the wrap. It results in high efficiency (more down hill attack) but I think leaves some explosives on the field pic.twitter.com/Na2uXukc8S
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
There is a bear on the field. That seems unfair pic.twitter.com/wUIA3vF0Gw
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Love the play design. 4x1. LBs mugging mean they’ll have to turn and run to carry verticals. TE delay to sell protection and the TE is alone in a pasture once he catches it pic.twitter.com/hnW8QDHV0d
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Actually pretty impressed overall with Michigan OL protection. At least until OGs went out, it has been pretty solid
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Really nice offensive design here. But great play by the CB falling off sensing the corner route and the MIKE getting to the 15 yard come back route pic.twitter.com/5XdaFgknQv
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
LG has to do better vs TEX stunt. Doesn’t provide enough support for LT to take over block. LG here eventually left game injured, not sure his status on this snap pic.twitter.com/dR17AUfwPl
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
OL not on the same page. Thought it was slightly improved from MSU game, but got younger and youth is showing on some plays pic.twitter.com/r58qQNuX0S
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Roll cover 2 and on film the MIKE is going to get the blame. But likely this is a communication breakdown that doesn’t allow the MIKE to trigger on the under. So much of zone is communicating pic.twitter.com/hd8J7QZi6j
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Defense much better fit for Hawkins pic.twitter.com/73oCulPq5O
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
TE-Wing One-Back Power. We’ve seen growth since the WMU game blocking this, where schematically it was there but not execution. Now you’ve blocked the front side well, and margins away from explosives pic.twitter.com/keRatuY8MI
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
I said my *opinion* on kick footwork on counter. But here’s an example of why you use it. A 1-2 yard gain turns into 5-6 yards, and maybe by the 2nd half into the third level. No opinion is gospel. pic.twitter.com/hhVRMgAskd
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 18, 2021
Well executed line stunt. This is where understanding coverage can help block the box, because then you can better define who is left unblocked pic.twitter.com/9cZbzie16N
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
I don’t like third and short screens, but also this design favors how Michigan will cover this, especially from a pressure look I believe Nebraska is anticipating pic.twitter.com/Wym7ODUa4e
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Swing screen. Can’t tell if that’s not open if they have the option to throw a fade to the single WR side. But mostly this shows why you throw the bubble if you’re Nebraska last series pic.twitter.com/dwtU3WT6Na
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Insert to the same side as the RB now. Blocked well except for a big win by the DT sensing the forward lean of the RG and pulling him down then making a play pic.twitter.com/kyl64m82uL
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Daniels for Nebraska all over the tape. Look at the get off and then strength into the backfield pic.twitter.com/8E2ABp1yOp
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Right back to quads but they switch the covered WR. Run tip gets #3 free release onto safety and a nice double move pic.twitter.com/ou2vFdjD14
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Counter OH Bluff RPO. A little better ball placement or stronger hands is a TD. CB makes a great play to get hand through the arms of the WR to break it up pic.twitter.com/vamre6XdXo
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Another example of why kick back step can help counter. Especially short yardage situations pic.twitter.com/h0YFh4g727
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Good rush lane discipline by the DTs here pic.twitter.com/2FZL6A8XKQ
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
This week’s example of sometimes chipping doesn’t help pic.twitter.com/QVvtGpD0ZY
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Same stunt that had earlier success with the DE looping over to interior players, this time with a LB plug instead 3 DL. OLB needs to do better covering the man pic.twitter.com/ZzIeKUAll5
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Very matchup focused in empty. Get lucky with the spot, but probably want to attack outside here pic.twitter.com/eRpYzTfkka
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Oh, same play a few snaps later. This out of a TO and the QB has corrected pic.twitter.com/jx8bAHEfXX
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Similar concept again, this time vs split safety. Out still open, #3 can do better on his option route. Watch the 3T vs the RG… pic.twitter.com/imseGh4mKM
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
3rd and 10 lead draw! pic.twitter.com/ldtJt2w215
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021
Explaining this RPO and why it’s a give despite the corner being wide open pic.twitter.com/FIPJhCXO18
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) October 19, 2021