I look at a few cool schemes from Nebraska at Illinois
Trap pass to start off the season from Illinois.
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Bret Bielema spent to seasons with the Pats recently, who majored in this with Brady/Gronk (and stole from Manning).
Vert/wheel from boundary and PAP vacate 2nd level, nice easy opening throw pic.twitter.com/vEtSiomkb4
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Lots of defenses getting wins by spiking the end vs zone toward.
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Here, DE in a hard 5 (inside TE), spikes inside OT messing up his aiming point, ricochet off OG to get vertical between the combo and cut off lateral stretch. RB can't gain width and has no where to go pic.twitter.com/d6lPW2ljtf
Lots of defenses getting wins by spiking the end vs zone toward.
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Here, DE in a hard 5 (inside TE), spikes inside OT messing up his aiming point, ricochet off OG to get vertical between the combo and cut off lateral stretch. RB can't gain width and has no where to go pic.twitter.com/d6lPW2ljtf
Going from all OZ path to more of a midzone path was a great 1Q adjustment to spring an explosive, given the defensive gameplan from Nebraska that was initially killing Illinois ground game
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Did Nebraska come back to this Freeze Counter Option?
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Pulling OG looks like he's trying to log and QB/OG don't read they need to abort and kick. But outside a missed block on the MIKE, this is one-on-one QB on FS at ~6 yards. Come back to it, it's set up to work! pic.twitter.com/dDsjSPhxEq
Well designed. Short motion confirms man, everything screams waggle. The guy the D always eliminates in coverage is the guy you faked to, becomes most dangerous man in pass game.
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Watch the TE get vertical and make sure to contact edge defender. Get his attention! Well executed pic.twitter.com/sH0dCyXCWX
Wheel is open, outside CB panics when he sees it and aborts #3, who has inside leverage on him anyway from his banjo coverage. Two guys open for TDs
— Space Coyote (@SpaceCoyoteBDS) August 30, 2021
Clever pass concept from Illinois to create a rub for the RB in the flat.
— Alex Kirby (@AlexJKirby) August 31, 2021
Gives him space to get open and angle toward the pylon. pic.twitter.com/zhL8IyrFYs
Very tricky play from the Illini on 3rd and 1.
— Alex Kirby (@AlexJKirby) August 31, 2021
QB gives a look like he's getting under center to sneak it, and then he flips the ball out to the perimeter where the blocking and angles are already set up for success. pic.twitter.com/SG5z9OljJ8