Message from Anton Del Rosario

PFF, thanks for everything 🤔... jumping through hoops to get from city to city, 24 hours of transit instead coulda been 7, lack of support from your organization, making us pay our way for visas, not reimbursing flights some players paid for, having Maja Año a long time employee disrespect saying "Whatever Anton, you shouldn't have gone on the trip.", calling us the B team, calling us up a couple days before knowing we'd have to drop everything, promising opportunity to players but not even sending the coach to see them, the list could go on...
Why I say thank you is because it only made the character of the team stronger. You guys put us through hell but we still stood side by side for each other playing our heart out for flag and country men.
The "B team" reminded me of the old Azkal days when nothing in return was expected but at the same time giving their all. Our coach flew in the day of the 1st game with 4 players, and after almost 24 hours of traveling they played and won! This is what it's about, all pride, no complaints.
It was amazing that players did not complain about each other or management. We were a team. I almost left the camp because I have so much to do back home but it was bc of these guys that kept me around. I do not regret the choice at all. We were all there for each other and focused on one goal, represent the country to the best of our ability.
A lot of the guys will have many more opportunities to wear the Jersey but if the PFF staff can't understand the importance of wearing the Jersey how are we supposed to excel to our fullest. The sooner all of them understand that this Jersey is not just any Jersey and that we represent more than each other the team and the flag, that we are chosen amongst MILLIONS of people and put our lives on the line for them, maybe then we will see PFF change.
Should this be my last stint with the MNT I'd happily leave knowing y'all were my teammates. Thank you for the respect given to me, I will always be "Kuya" to you all. Very proud of each and every one of you. One day you all will be able to create the memories I've created in my head. THANK YOU! 🇵🇭

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